a letter from
Michael Tuminello

Hey guys,

Just wanted to give you an update on my life. I am still in New York. I am working part-time for a Zen philosophy book store. With my other time, I have been working on establishing a mixed a cappella group. So far, its coming together really well. I've been arranging lots of stuff from the Lion King and theme songs from daytime soaps. I've had the chance to sing at a lot of great events so far such as Stone Phillips' birthday and the grand opening of "Bagels-a-Million". I love a cappella, and am so glad that it has been such an important part of my life. Guys, thanks for all the memories -- you have helped make me who I am today. I love you guys and will always remember you.

20 Apr 1999

[As real as all this may seem, rumor has it that this letter might actually be a fiendishly clever digital forgery, perpetrated by an unknown author. --Ed.]

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last modified: 30 Aug 1999