There is life after the Hullabahoos.
Tell us about it
Won't you?

Big Spring Sing Thing X gave us a chance to see what some alumni have done with themselves after being escorted off Grounds. But that was just a handful of folks. Where did the rest of us get to?

Here's your chance to report in on yourself, or to rat out others. Just fill out this handy little form-thingy, and our dedicated team of webmonkeys will quickly subvert your own words such that they are amusing to others at your expense, and then post them up here for all the world to see. Ain't technology grand?

Email address:
URL (if you got one):
School & Class:
What's up?:
We're also maintaining an offline list of addresses and phone numbers, starting with information from Alumni Hall. For more information on this, just ask.

If this form doesn't seem to work for you, you can also email Abe or Weatherboy. Feel free to request changes in your current listing, or report errors. Or make suggestions. Or say hi. It wouldn't hurt so much to write once in a while, would it?

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page maintained by Rich Adase
last modified: 28 Apr 1998